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Stepping off the bus wearing my Ugg boots and a giant white bow in my hair... I will never forget the moment that I had teenagers pointing and laughing at me.


I will also never forget lacing up my shoes, jamming to my warm up music, and getting in the zone. That was the day that those pointing kids stopped laughing as we crushed their basketball team in the league championship.


Don't understimate the bow.


Those who know me respect me; I have a willpower that does not back down. 


But they also laugh at me. I trip over things, make funny noises when I feel awkward, and for some reason people think I’m easy to make fun of. They say it's because I take it so well, but I think it's the California “accent”—my so-called claim to fame.  


From that however, I’ve grown a thick layer of sass. I can take the jokes, but I know how to throw them back.


 Competition is one of my secret pleasures…although those around me would say it’s not a big secret.  My competitive nature gives me the edge in the advertising business. I love the thrill of coming from behind and blindsiding my opponents; losing is not an option.


I think that is why I love the advertising world so much; there is something new to fight for each day.


Just remember...don't underestimate the bow



Don't Underestimate the Bow

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